Buy tri-Sodium Citrate AR 1Kg dihydrate 99.0-101.0%, AnalaR NORMAPURA ACS, Pharmaceutical Eur. in NZ.

tri-Sodium Citrate AR 1Kg dihydrate 99.0-101.0%, AnalaR NORMAPURA ACS, Pharmaceutical Eur.

Specification 27833

tri-Sodium citrate dihydrate 99.0-101.0%, AnalaR NORMAPUR® ACS, Pharmaceutical Eur.

Formula: Na₃C₆H₅O₇·2H₂O
MW: 294.1 g/mol
CAS Number: 6132-04-3
UN: 0000
Non hazardous for freight and storage  


Assay (calculated on anhydrous) 99.0 - 101.0 %
Acidity or alkalinity Passes test Ph.Eur.
Appearance of solution Passes test Ph.Eur.
Identification A Passes test Ph.Eur.
Identification B Passes test Ph.Eur.
Solution S Passes test Ph.Eur.
Readily carb onisable substances Passes test Ph.Eur.
Tartaric acid Passes test
pH (25°C; 5 %) 7.5 - 9.0
Heavy metals (as Pb) Max. 5 ppm
Insolubility in water Max. 50 ppm
Ox alic acid Max. 100 ppm
Total N (Nitrogen) Max. 10 ppm
Water 11.0 - 13.0 %
Cl (Chl oride) Max. 10 ppm
NH3 (Am monia) Max. 30 ppm
PO4 (Pho sphate) Max. 20 ppm
SO4 (Sulp hate) Max. 40 ppm
As (Arse nic) Max. 1 ppm
Ca (Calc ium) Max. 50 ppm
Cu (Cop per) Max. 5 ppm
Fe (Ir on) Max. 5 ppm
Li (Lit hium) Max. 5 ppm
Pb (Lea d) Max. 5 ppm
Conforms to ACS Passes test
Conforms to Reag. Ph. Eur. Passes test

Unit Qty: ea

Availability: 1 in stock

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